Second Version of the New Catawba Nation Constitution Proposed by Former Executive Committee Members

The following is a copy of the second version of the proposed new Catawba Nation constitution as put forth by Gilbert Blue and other former members of the Executive Committee. A PDF version of this document is also provided for download. To open the PDF document for reading or printing, however, you must first install the Adobe Acrobat Reader program, which is available for free download at the Adobe website.

Download PDF version of second proposed new constitution

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5  Revised
7   October 10, 2002

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5   Preamble
7   Article I: Territory, Jurisdiction, and Supremcy [sic. Supremacy]
9   Section 1.1 -- Description of Territory and Jurisdiction
10  Section 1.2 -- Statement of Supremacy
13   Article II: Membership
15   Section 2.1 -- Membership of the Catawba Indian Nation of South Carolina
16   Section 2.2 -- Terms and Conditions for Changes to the Roll
19   Article III: Civil Rights
21   Section 3.1
24   Article IV: Government
26   Section 4.1 -- Type of Government and Separation of Powers
27   Section 4.2 -- Executive Committee Qualifications
28   Section 4.3 -- Composition of Executive Committee
29   Section 4.4 -- Powers & Duties of Executive Committee
30   Section 4.5 -- Executive Committee Meetings
31   Section 4.6 -- Recording Secretary  
32   Section 4.7 -- Judicial Court System
36   Article V : Vacancies and Removal from Office
37   Section 5.1 Mandatory Declaration of Vacancies
38   Section 5.2 Failure to Attend Meetings
39   Section 5.3 Removal
40   Section 5.4 Filling Vacancies
39   Section 5.5 -- Oath of Office

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3      Article VI: General Council
5   Section 6.1 -- Definition of General Council
6   Section 6.2 -- Meetings and Vote of the General Council
7   Section 6.3 -- Agenda for General Council Meetings
8   Section 6.4 -- Procedures for Meetings
9  Section 6.5 -- Powers of the General Council
10   Section 6.6 -- Visitation on the Reservation
11   Section 6.7 -- Reservation Home Site Application
14   Article VII: Official Records of the Catawba Indian Nation
16  Section 7.1 -- Description and Deposition of Records
19  Article VIII: Elections
21  Section 8.1 -- Administration and Elections
22  Section 8.2 -- Voting Age
23  Section 8.3 -- Voting Requirements
26  Article IX: Amendments
28  Section 9.1 -- Process
31  Article X: Initiative and Referendum
33  Section 10.1 Initiative
34  Section 10.2 Referendum
35  Section 10.3 Procedures
38  Article XI: Adoption of Constitution
40  Section 11.1 -- Process for Adoption of Constitution
41  Section 11.2 -- Procedures to Follow Adoption
44  Certification of Adoption.

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3  Preamble
6  We, the people of the Catawba Indian Nation of South Carolina, a federally recognized sovereign
7  Indian Nation (hereinafter "The Catawba Indian Nation" or "Nation"), in order to establish an
8  effective tribal government, to improve our social and economic welfare, to preserve our lands and
9  cultural identity and to secure the benefits of organization for ourselves and our posterity, do hereby
10  proclaim and establish this Constitution of the Catawba Indian Nation. In doing so we affirm our
11  existence as a self-governing Nation since time immemorial. The people of the Catawba Indian
12  Nation, desiring to reaffirm our claim to the sovereign rights, which are common to all Native
13  Americans who share the heritage of freedom, proclaim this Constitution as a statement of the
14  principles of government, which shall guide our future and by which we will excercise our powers of
15  self-government for our common welfare. Preserve, secure, and exercise all the inherent sovereign
16  rights and powers of an Indian Nation.
19  Article I - Territory, Jurisdiction, and Supremcy [Supremacy]
21  Section 1.1 Description of Territory and Jurisdiction
22  Our homelands, which sustained the lives of our forebearers', and to which they and we have
23  returned for refuge and rest, lie generally throughout the Southeastern United States and particularly
24  Within the region now known as the State of South Carolina. The jurisdiction of the Catawba Indian
25  Nation shall be the lands held in trust by the Secretary of Interior, for the use and benefits of its
26  members. Nothing in this article shall be construed to limit the ability of the tribe to exercise its
27  jurisdiction, based upon its inherent sovereignty as an Indian Nation.
30  Section 1.2 Supremacy
32  This Constitution is the supreme law of the Catawba Indian Nation of South Carolina.
36  Article II - Membership
38  Section 2.1 The Membership of the Catawba Indian Nation of South Carolina shall consist of:
39  (a) All persons of Catawba blood whose names appear on the tribal roll of July 24, 2000 as recognized.
40  by the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the U.S. Department of Interior.
41  (b) All children of blood descent born to any enrolled member of the Catawba Indian Nation.

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2  Section 2.2 Terms and Conditions for Changes to the Roll
3  (a) The General Council shall have the power to pass ordinances covering future membership of the
4  Catawba Indian Nation.
5  (b) The membership of the Catawba Indian Nation shall from time to time be adjusted to reflect the
6  births, deaths, and omissions.
7  (c) The Roll Coordinator in conjunction with the Secretary/Treasurer will present their requests along
8  with supporting documents to the Executive Committee for review. When the Executive Committee is
9  satisfied with the documents provided; then the roll changes shall be made.
10  (d) Supporting documents that could be used for proof are a genealogy lineal descent form, long form
11  birth certificate (listing who parents are), notarized sworn statement, or blood test if required, and death
12  certificates as required.
14  Article III: Civil Rights
16  Section 3.1 Incorporation of the Indian Civil Rights Act:
17  The Catawba Indian Nation hereby incorporates by reference in Public Law 90-284 (codified at 25
18  U.S.C. 1301 - 1303, 1968 as amended) and otherwise known the Indian Civil Rights Act.
19  The Catawba Indian Nation also reserves unto itself and its members the right to exercise the
20  traditional rights and privileges of members of this Nation, which are not in conflict with other
21  provisions of this Constitution.
24  Article IV: Government
26  Section 4.1 Type of Government and Separation of Powers:
27  The governing bodies of the Catawba Indian Nation are the General Council (when in session), and
28  the Executive Committee subject to the constraints of this Constitution. No branch shall exercise the
29  powers of the other or have authority over the other except as may be granted by this Constitution.
30  The General Council shall be composed of those members on the Tribal Rolls who are 18 years of
31  age or older on the day of the meeting or elections.
34  Section 4.2 Executive Committee Qualifications:
35  To run for office a person must be at least 25 years of age, a member in good standing with the
36  Catawba Indian Nation, be able to pass a criminal background check, complete and pass a drug
37  screening test, be bondable and never convicted of a felony crime punishable by more than 1 year in
38  prison unless they have received a complete pardon.

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2  Section 4.3 Composition of Executive Committee
3  (a) The Executive Committee shall consist of a Chief, Assistant Chief, Secretary/Treasurer and
4  Four (4) Council/Committee Members who are elected by secret ballot of the General Council.
5  (b) To be eligible to vote, a member must be 18 years of age and on the Tribal Roll at the time of
6  the election.
7  (c) At the initial election to be held after the ratification of this Constitution, the positions of Chief
8  and Secretary/Treasurer and the two Committee members with the highest vote totals will be
9  elected to a four-year term. The positions of the Assistant Chief and two other Committee
10  members receiving the second highest vote totals will be for a Two (2) year term initially.
11  (d) At each subsequent election the terms of office shall be four years.
12  (e) Individuals are elected for four year, staggered, terms with no more than Four individuals
13  being voted upon at any given time. In the event of a vacancy during their term an election would
14  be held in accordance with the rules deemed in the constitution. Their terms shall be only for the
15  duration of the term of vacancy that is being filled.
16  (f) These elected individuals shall represent the Tribe in all business matters and public relations.
17  (g) When the Executive Committee is in session, each Committee Member shall have one equal
18  vote. The Chief shall cast a vote only in case of a tied vote.
19  (h) The Chief, or Assistant Chief in his or her absence, shall be the official spokesperson for the
20 tribe.
21  (i) Each elected official can serve for only two (2) consecutive terms (8 years total) per position.
22  They must skip a term in order to run for that same position again.
25  Section 4.4 Powers and Duties of the Executive Committee
27  The Executive Committee shall have all powers vested in the tribe through its inherent sovereignty
28  or federal law. It shall execute these powers in accordance with established customs of the tribe and
29  subject to the expressed limitations contained within the constitution or other applicable laws. These
30  powers include but are not limited to the following:
31  (a) The Executive Committee shall execute and carry out the laws and ordinances of the Nation as
32  enacted by the General Council and the Executive Committee shall exercise any authority delegated
33  to the Executive Committee by the General Council not already contained in this Constitution.
34  (b) The Executive Committee shall prepare and administer plans concerning any management and
35  investments of the assets of the Nation.
36  (c) The Executive Committee shall prepare and adopt an annual operating budget for the Nation. It
37  will present such budget information at the July meeting of the General Council. It shall update the
38  information at the January meeting of the General Council and report on compliance with the
39 budget.
40  (d) The Executive Committee shall negotiate and enter into contracts and other agreements with
41  all Federal, State, and Local Governments on behalf of the Nation.

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2  (e) The Executive Committee shall apply for and accept grant funding on behalf of the Nation.
3  (f) The Executive Committee shall conduct all routine daily business that is necessary to
4  operate an efficient and effective government on behalf of the tribal membership. This shall
5  include, but not limited to the hiring and firing of personnel, the contracting for goods and service
6  as needed to conduct business for the Nation.
7  (g) The Executive Committee is responsible for establishing written policies to be used in all tribal
8  businesses and entities. These policies will establish guidelines for the hiring and firing of personnel.
9  These policies will allow tribal employees who are members of the Catawba Indian Nation their
10  right under the Indian Civil Rights Act.
11  (h) The Executive Committee shall enforce all laws and ordinances of the General Council and the
12  Executive Committee; as well as adopting and implementing all appropriate policies and procedures
13  governing financial, fiscal, personnel, and purchasing matters.
14  (I) The Executive Committee shall have the right to issue bonds as provided by the Internal Revenue
15  Codes.
18  Section 4.5 Executive Committee Meetings:
19  Meetings will be held weekly and at any other time as called for on special occasions. At the 2nd
20  meeting of each month, at least one (1Hr.) shall be open to any members of the Tribe to present
21  their opinions on tribal issues to the Executive Committee. Any member wishing to address will
22  notify the Secretary at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. The Executive Committee reserves the
23  right to meet on issues in closed session when it pertains to personnel and other confidential matters.
24  The Executive Committee reserves the right to forgo weekly meetings upon extenuating
25  circumstances, travel, meetings or other business activity, or the lack of business issues to be
26 discussed.
28  Section 4.6 Recording Secretary:
29  The Executive Committee shall have the right to appoint a Recording Secretary. This person shall
30  have no voting powers in Executive Committee meetings. It is the responsibility of the Recording
31  Secretary to record and transcribe the minutes of the Executive Committee Meetings and the General
32  Council Meetings. The minutes are the property of the Tribe and shall be kept in a secure and locked
33  area at all times. The transactions are to be reduced to minutes and distributed at each Executive
34  Committee meeting, affirming the accuracy of them, and recorded as official history and records of
35  the Tribe. All the Executive Committee Member's votes will be by roll call and duly recorded by the
36  Recording Secretary.
38  Section 4.6 [sic. 4.7] Judicial System:
39  The General Council may adopt a Tribal Court System as allowed by law pursuant to Public Law
40  03-116 in the Settlement Act of October 27, 1993.

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3  Article V: Vacancies and Removals from Office
5  5.1 Mandatory Declaration of Vacancy: In the event of death, resignation, permanent
6  removal from Tribal service area, or removal of any member of the Executive Committee or
7  any other elected official of the Nation from [office], or if such committee member or elected official is
8  found guilty in any court of a felony involving dishonesty or moral turpitude, the Executive
9  Committee shall declare the office of the Committee member to be vacant.
13  5.2 Failure to Attend Meetings: If a member of the Executive Committee fails to attend three
14  consecutive regularly scheduled Executive Committee meetings, without good cause, illness
15  or other cause beyond the control of the committee member, the Executive Committee shall by
16  majority vote, declare the office held by the absent committee member to be vacant.
18  5.3 Removal:
19  Any member of the Executive Committee found guilty of gross misconduct or gross neglect of
20  duty shall be removed from the Executive Committee in the following manner:
21  (a) In the event that Fifteen percent (15%) of the voting age members of the Nation present a
22  written complaint against an Executive Committee member, it will be presented to the General
23  Council when in session, alleging that a member of the Executive Committee has engaged in
24  conduct constituting gross misconduct or gross neglect of duty as defined in Section 4.3, together
25  with supporting evidence of the truth of such allegations, the Executive Committee shall examine
26  the complaint to determine its merits and its gravity.
27  (b) If upon such examination the complaint is determined sufficient on its face and is of a serious
28  nature warranting further inquiry, the Executive Committee shall appoint a Hearing - Committee
29  consisting of five members of the General Council who are not members of the Executive
30  Committee or among the members of the nation filing the complaint.
31  (c) Within 45 days of its appointment, or such reasonable time as may be extended by the Hearing
32  Committee, not to exceed 60 days, the Hearing Committee shall hold a public hearing in order
33  to examine evidence related to the allegations and determine whether any further action is
35  necessitated by the complaint. The hearing procedures shall be recorded and shall be conducted
36  as an administrative hearing.
37  (d) The Executive Committee member having the complaint filed against them shall be provided
38  30 days written notice of the date, place and time of the hearing together with a copy of the
39  complaint.
40  (e) During the hearing the complaining parties shall designate a representative to present their case.
41  The representative shall have the right to present testimony and other evidence relevant to the
42  issue of whether the Executive Committee member being complained against should be removed
43  from office and to cross-examine the accused, if the accused testifies and his witnesses and to
44  otherwise rebut the evidence presented by the accused.

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1  (f) During the hearing the Executive Committee member being complained against shall have the
2  right to be represented by a person of his own choosing and at his own expense to confront his
3  accusers, to present testimony and other evidence relevant to the question of he should be
4  removed from office and to cross-examine the witnesses and to rebut the evidence presented by the
5  complaining parties.
6  (g) Within fifteen days of the conclusion of the hearing, the Hearing Committee shall file a written
7  report with the Executive Committee summarizing its findings and conclusions recommending a
8  dismissal of the complaint or removal from office of the Executive Committee member
9  complained against. Upon submittal of the report the work of the Hearing Committee shall be
10  completed and the committee shall immediately be dissolved.
11  (h) Upon receipt of the Hearing Committees' report the Executive Committee shall meet
12  in Executive session to consider the report and act on its recommendations. The Executive
13  Committee shall act on the hearing report by voting to remove Executive Committee member
14  complained against from office, if this is the recommendation of the Hearing Committee. Any
15  vote to dismiss the complaint or to remove the guilty Executive Committee member from office
16  must be by a majority vote. Following any vote for removal, the Executive Committee shall
17  immediately enact a resolution declaring the office of the Executive Committee member
18  complained against to be vacant.
19  (i) Filling Vacancies: Any vacancy in the Executive Committee resulting from application of the
20  above provisions of this constitution, Section 4.3 a), b) or c), or for any other cause shall be filled
21  for the remainder of the term of the vacant office by the procedures of election to that office.
23  Section 5.4 Oath of Office:
24  Each elected official of the Nation, prior to assuming the duties of their office, must take the
25  following Oath of Office before the General Council.
26  "I, ______________________, do solemnly swear (affirm); that I will support, defend, uphold, and
27  enforce the Constitution of the Catawba Indian Nation and that I will faithfully and impartially fulfill
28  the duties of my office to the best of my abilities while always seeking to promote and protect the
29  best interest of the Catawba Indian Nation and its people, so help me God."
30  The Oath will be administered by the Chief or Assistant Chief.
34  Article VI: General Council
36  Section 6.1 Definition of The General Council:
37  The General Council shall be comprised of all members of the Catawba Indian Nation who are of
38  qualified voting age (18 years of age) on the day of a legally called General Council meeting.
40  Section 6.2 Meetings and Votes of the General Council:
41  These meetings shall be scheduled in the months of January and July. At that time the Executive
42  Committee shall make reports on the status of the Nation and discuss any general business matters.

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1  Recommendations for future topics of business or matters to be voted upon may be made from the
2  floor of the General Council, seconded from the floor, and placed on the agenda for the next
3  meeting. All General Council meetings will be chaired by the Chief, in His or Her absence by the
4  Assistant Chief or other elected officials as called upon or deemed required. The election of officials
5  shall always be by secret ballot. Except as otherwise provided in the Constitution, all general votes
6  taken by the General Council shall be decided by a simple majority provided a quorum is present at
7  the time of the vote. A quorum shall consist of Fifteen (15)% of the eligible voters.
10  Section 6.3 Agenda for General Council Meetings:
11  (a) The agenda for meetings of the General Council shall be set by the Executive Committee and
12  include time for discussion for any old business and new business. The agenda shall be
13  posted in all tribal government offices and made available for pickup in these offices at least
14  twenty-one (21) days in advance of the General Council meeting.
15  (b) Copies of the proposed agenda will be mailed upon request from individual members.
16  (c) Suggested topics of discussion may be presented or submitted to any Executive Committee
17  member thirty (30) days prior to the scheduled General Council meeting.
18  (d) All minutes from the last General Council meeting must be read, and/or amended and
19  approved at the beginning of every General Council meeting. The minutes will be approved by
20  a majority show of hands.
24  Meetings of the General Council shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order at all times.
25  The Executive Committee may appoint with the approval of the General Council a Parliamentarian
26  to facilitate meetings.
29  Section 6.5 Powers of the General Council:
30  (a) The General Council retains all powers not herein delegated to the Executive Committee.
32  (b) The General Council retains unto itself the right to propose legislation and amendments, which
33  do not conflict with the powers and duties of the Executive Committee as provided by this
34  Constitution.
35  (c) The General Council shall receive reports and information from the Executive Committee at the
36  Jan. and July meetings on plans concerning management, potential economic planned ventures and
37  investments of the assets of the Nation and the progress of the plans for Economic Development.
38  (d) The General Council shall approve or disapprove the appointment of the members of the Election
39  Board nominated by the Executive Committee.
40  (e) The General Council must vote on any amendments to the Constitution, under the procedures of
41  Article 9.

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1  (f) Special call meetings of the General Council can be called by a petition of fifteen (15%) of the
2  voting age members of the tribe. All petitions will be verified as to the validity of the named
3  petitioners. The special meeting will be held within 15 days of verification. The date, time, and
4  place of the meeting shall be announced by the Chief.
5  The Chief can call for special meetings at any time as he or she deems necessary.
8  Section 6.6 Visit on the Reservation:
9  Visitors to the Catawba Indian Nation are subject to the Constitution, By - Laws and Resolutions of
10  the Catawba Indian Nation. Authority of enforcement is vested in the Executive Committee to
11  uphold the laws of the Catawba Indian Nation.
14  Section 6.7 Reservation Home Site Application:
15  Reservation land can be claimed and utilized by tribal members after completing an application to
16  the Executive Committee for the purpose of home sites for families. Members must furnish proof of
17  eligibility.
20  Article VII: Official Records of the Catawba Indian Nation
22  Section 7.1 Description and Deposition of Records:
23  (a) The official records and written history of the Catawba Indian Nation shall be kept in a location
24  designated by the Executive Committee and made known to the General Council; this is to include
25  all former records.
26  (b) A copy of these records should also be kept in a second location in the case of fire, theft, or
27  weather related hazards.
28  (c) These records are the property of the Catawba Indian Nation, accessible to all tribal members
29  upon written request, and after the information request form has been completed. These will become
30  records for the Tribe.
31  (d) These records include, but not limited to, all minutes, statements, records, and ballots of the
32  governing bodies of the Tribe. To see or view these records a written request must be made to the
33  Secretary/Treasurer office, and all public records will be provided upon request.
34  (e) No confidential information on another tribal member shall be divulged at any time.
37  Article VIII: Elections
39  Section 8.1 Administration of Elections:

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1  The Executive Committee with the approval of the General Council shall establish an Election Board
2  for conducting all elections. This Board will be charged with conducting the election, filing
3  procedures, voter registration, providing notices to eligible voters of the election and the counting of
4  all votes. The Election Board shall be responsible for developing an Election Ordinance, which will
5  be presented to the Executive Committee for final approval. The ordinance must provide for voting
6  to occur over a two day period, with the voting polls open for twelve hours each day. The members
7  of the Board shall serve a term of two (2) years.
10  Section 8.2 Voting Age:
11  All members of the Catawba Indian Nation who are at least 18 years of age on the voting date and
12  are either base enrolled of a lineal descendant of a base enrollee shall be an eligible voter.
14  Section 8.3 Voting Requirements:
15  (a) All eligible tribal members must present an identification card (tribal identification card or
16  current validate drivers license) prior to voting and their names will be verified as being on the final
17  base membership roll and checked off prior to voting.
18  (b) Elections under the new adopted Constitution by the General Council shall use the July 24,
19  2000 final base membership roll in determining whom is eligible to vote.
22  Article IX: Amendments
24  Section 9.1 Process:
25  The Constitution and By - Laws of the Catawba Indian Nation may be amended by a magority vote
26  of the General Council what at least thirty (30)% of the qualified voters are participating. Any vote
27  of the General Council that involves an amendment of this Constitution shall only occur after at least
28  thirty days written notice is given to all qualified members.
31  Article X: Initiative and Referendum
32  Section 10.1 Initiative
34  The Executive Committee shall submit any proposed ordinance or resolution, except those regarding
35  land, housing or the adoption of tribal members. An initiative petition requires at least thirty percent
36  (30%) of the eligible voters of the tribe or upon the request of the majority members of the Executive
37  Committee. The initiative election shall be held within sixty (60) days after receipt of the qualifying
38  number petition signatures or at the Executive committee's request. The vote of the majority of the
39  eligible voters shall decide whether the proposed ordinance or resolution should therefore be in
40  effect, provided, that at least thirty percent of the eligible shall vote in such initiative.

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1  Section 10.2 Referendum:
3  The Executive Committee shall submit any enacted ordinance, resolution or other official action of
4  the Executive Committee, except those regarding land, housing or the adoption of tribal members, to
5  popular referendum upon petition of at least thirty percent (30%) of the eligible voters of the tribe or
6  upon the request of the Executive Committee. The referendum election shall be held within sixty
7  (60) days after the receipt of the qualifying number of petition signatures. The majority of the
8  eligible voters in such a referendum shall decide whether the enacted ordinance, resolution or other
9  official action shall therefore be in effect provided that at least thirty percent (30%) of the eligible
10  voters shall vote in such a referendum.
15  Section 10.3 Procedures
17  Initiative and referendum elections shall be conducted by the election board and shall be held in
18  accordance with the provision of an election ordinance which shall include a section on initiative and
19  referendum procedure.
24  Article XI: Adoption
26  Section 11.1 Process for adoption of Constitution:
27  The Constitution of the Catawba Indian Nation shall be adopted by a majority vote of the General
28  Council when at least thirty (30) % of the qualified voters are participating. Thirty (30) days prior to
29  a vote on this constitution, all qualified members of the General Council shall receive a copy of the
30  proposed Constitution for their review.
33  Section 11.2 Procedure to Follow Adoption:
34  (a) The results of the Constitution vote shall be certified, and the results announced at the next
35  General Council meeting to be held within thirty days after the vote. The current members of the
36  Executive Committee shall serve as leaders of the Tribe, fully subject to the terms of the
37  constitution, until such time as an election is held in accordance with the Legislative Settlement of
38  1993 and the Constitution and new Executive Committee members are installed in office.
39  (b) Elections for a new Executive Committee shall be held no later than one hundred twenty (120)
40  days after the adoption of a new constitution.
41  (c) Ballots will designate the names of all candidates, the office for which they are running, and the
42  terms for that office. This information shall be mailed at least 45 days prior to the election date.

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1  The elected officials shall take office 30 days after the vote has been certified and they are dully
2  sworn into office by outgoing officers.
7  I, the undersigned Secretary/Treasurer of the Catawba Indian Nation's Executive Committee,do
8  hereby certify that this Constitution is a true and correct copy of the Constitution adopted for the
9  Catawba Indian Nation by the General Council vote of _______ for, and _______ against, on the Month
10  of __________, Date _______, Year ______.
12  __________________________________ Secretary/Treasurer
14  Witnessed By the Following Executive Committee Members:
Assistant Chief
Executive Committee
Executive Committee