Community Project in the Honor of George Henry Garcia

George Henry Garcia: 1905 - 1995
In this year of the 100th aniversery of his birth, the webmaster is suggesting a community project to honor the kindness, compassion, and agricultural skills of George Henry Garcia
(Catawba). Every year, George grew flowering sweet peas and gladiolas on his farm in Sanford, Colorado. He planted them on Memorial Day weekend , and on Independence Day (4th of July),
he would set out a dozen or more white 11 gallon buckets, and fill them with cut sweet peas and gladiolas. He then loaded them into the back of his pickup truck and delivered them
to the local nursing home.
The webmaster would like to make this act of kindness and compassion a nationwide project of
volunteers. In your community or yard, plant sweet peas and/or gladiolas and try to deliver them July 4th weekend to a nursing home in your area. George used to purchase a half-pound
of sweet pea seeds every spring.
Please contact the webmaster if you decide
to take the challenge or if you have questions.