The following is a collection of human interest stories about individual members of the
Catawba Nation, posted on this website with the permission of their respective authors. While
these stories are posted and therefore available for download, please contact the author or webmaster
for written permission before reproducing them.
Our special thanks to Dr. Thomas Blumer for his contribution of two stories which made the
start of this page possible. If you have any such stories you would like to share about your Catawba
friends, relatives, or ancestors, please submit them to
Webmaster's Suggested Community Project in the Honor of George Henry Garcia: George
Garcia, known for his kindness and compassion as well as agricultural skills, would plant flowering sweet
peas and gladiolas on Memorial Day weekend, and cut and deliver them to th local nursing home on the
4th of July.
Dr. Thomas J. Blumer Honored for Lifetime of Achievement and Service to the Catawba Nation: Copy of the invitation to The Friends of the Medford
Library Annual Meeting where the donation of the Thomas Blumer Catawba Research Collection to the Metford Library will be announced. Meeting to be held 7:00 PM Thursday, March 18, 2004 in the atrium of the Medford Library. The event is free to the public.
Tez: by Derrik Jordan, producer of “Red Thunder Cloud,
the Songs and Legends of the Catawba”, Vol. 1 and 2. A few words on Red Thunder Cloud from a close friend
of his.
The Identity of Red Thunder Cloud: by Dr. Ives Goddard, Department of
Anthropology, Smithsonian Institution. Dr. Goddard examines the life of Red Thunder Cloud and his claim
that he was Catawba and a native speaker of the Catawba language. While there is enough information to
give a good picture of who he was and where he came from, his life and work still raise
challenging and fascinating questions. Taken from the Department
of Anthropology page of the National Museum of Natural History.
Doris Blue and Georgia Harris' Work Featured in New York Exhibition: “Women
designers in the USA, 1900-2000: Diversity and Differences” by Dr. Thomas J. Blumer. On November 15th, 2001 a major exhibit examiningthe work of 220 women designers of the last century will open at the Bard Graduate Center for Studies in the Decorative Arts, Design and Culture in New York City. The show includes an Indian head pot by Doris Wheelock Blue and a water jar by Georgia Harris.
John Brown the Scrapper (1867-1927)
by Thomas J. Blumer. The story of one of many colorful personalities in the Catawba Nation.
Although he often showed a violent side and never turned away from a fight, John Brown is also remembered
as a kind soul who kept the Catawba people close to his heart.
Turtle Pipe attributed to Robert or Sarah Head by Thomas J. Blumer. A pottery fragment is discovered in 1988 on the
property of Bobby and Betty Blue, current owners of the home site of Robert and Sarah Head,
by their son Brian while digging the footers for a new carport. After close examination, it
is believed to be the remains of a turtle pipe made by Robert or Sarah Head. Producing and
selling pottery of this type was one tactic Sarah had to keep hunger away from herself and
their son Pinckney during the Civil War and the following Reconstruction Period when
Robert was often away.
John Marsh v. The Managers of Election for the District of York by Cynthia A. Walsh. John Marsh, a Pamunki Indian, was a man of exceptional character, but was denied the right to vote in the District of York, South Carolina for being of a race separate and distinct from that of a “free white man”.
Monument to the Catawbas 1600 - 1900
Standing in the Fort Mill public park is this monument erected to the memory of the Catawba Indians by
Samuel Elliot White and John McKee Spratt, in 1900. The figure of the buffalo is wrought on one side of the monument, an appropriate testimony to the Catawba's prowess as hunters.