Important current events on Catawba tribal and human issues, upcoming events, and changes to this website.
Wanda Warren Pleads Guilty to Embezzlement Charges Wanda George Warren, former Chief Financial Officer of the Catawba Nation, pleaded guilty to embezzling tribal funds on March 16, 2005. Story has been added to the Actions of the former Executive Committee page.
(Sources: AP News and heraldonline)
Webmaster's suggested community project in honor of George Henry Garcia has been added to the Human Interest page.
Graveside service eulogy for Viola E. (Garcia) Schneider who walked on from this world on October 15, 2004, has been added to the Honor our Veterans page.
Protest at the Catawba Nation's Bingo Hall This page shows photos from the gathering on March 20, 2004 at the Catawba Nation's bingo hall to protest the misuse of bingo profits by the holdover Executive Committee. A link to this page is provided under the Actions of the Executive Committee page.
Letter to Senator Lindsey Graham dated January 11, 2004 from the current, duly elected members of the Executive Committee of the Catawba Nation. This letter requests the assistance of Senator Graham to rectify the problem of the holdover Executive Committee violating the Constitution of the Catawba Indian Nation and the American civil rights of individual tribal members.
Dr. Thomas Blumer honored for lifetime of service and achievements for the Catawba Nation at The Friends of the Medford Library Annual Meeting. A copy of the invitiation to this meeting has been posted to the
Human Interest page.